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Oasis Rising Center offers practical, spiritual teachings that empower abundant and meaningful living.
Our Mission Statement: We are a loving, joyous community, praying, learning, and serving, to transform our lives and our world.
All our services, workshops, and classes are designed to support you in becoming all God created you to be, and in having a better life. In each Sunday lesson and class you will receive tools to help you find inner joy, peace and harmony, as well as outer forms of abundance -- vibrant health, loving relationships, and plenty in every material way.
We believe that every problem we face has an answer and that every true desire we have can be fulfilled. We can learn to "tune in" to a Source of wisdom within us (God or the Holy Spirit) which will guide and direct us into that happiness, love, peace and outer abundance which is our rightful heritage as children of God.
We teach that each person is created "in the image and after the likeness of God" (Genesis 1 :27), and that every person is inherently good. The true self or core of us is made of love, wisdom, life energy, and creative power. We are all fundamentally the same, regardless of sex, age, race, ethnic background, or sexual orientation.
Oasis Rising Center is what is often called a "New Thought" spiritual community. This "new thought" (now well over one-hundred years old as a movement in North America) is that all people are inherently good and that God dwells with in everyone. New Thought is a diverse movement which includes a number of other groups including: Religious Science, Divine Science, DivineUnity and the Universal Foundation for Better Living.
The term "New Thought" originated in the 19th Century. Classic New Thought teachings ascribe the term to Romans 12:12: "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your thought." The 1914 book Message of New Thought defines New Thought spirituality as "a term used to convey the idea of growing or developing thought. In considering this subject, the word "New" should be duly and freely emphasized, because the expression "New Thought" relates only to what is new and progressive."
We strive to be one with seekers of all faiths. In fact, although we call what we teach "practical Christianity," the re are aspects of several Eastern religions in what we teach and p ractice. We believe that "there are many paths to the mountain, " and that whether God is called God, Spirit, Allah, Krishna, Divine Mind, or any other name, those who seek with an open mind and an open heart will find themselves advancing.
Insights from participants:
Janet H.
participating for 5 years
At Oasis Rising Center I found a delightful group of people. We share a love based spirituality which is truly empowering. For many years, I thought I was alone in understanding that there are universal spiritual principles which are shared within all compassionate spiritual paths. Oasis Rising Center has show me that I am not alone.
Eleanor M.
Animal Chaplain with 3 years of participation
I grew up on a farm, and feel a strong connection to the land. Today I live in an urban community. At Oasis Rising Center I have found a community of like minded souls who love life and share a common understanding that the answer to creating a better world is found in wisdom which is knowledge + compassion. We talk about real issues that affect our lives. We ask questions about life and find answers rooted in Ancient Wisdom, yet enfolding today's insights.
Bill J.
participant for over 2 years.
Joining Oasis Rising Center led me to Eleanor. She is an amazing soul who shares my belief that life is precious. I found a community filled with people who are kind, caring and ask questions! Individually we have our points of view, together we have collective wisdom and can take action to create a more compassionate world.
Anne W.
participating for 3 years.
I grew up in a regular church. Every Sunday we were 'treated' to a sermon about how the world was coming to an end and regular people who weren't at that church were going to hell without a handbasket. My friends at school were all supposedly doomed. As soon as I got old enough to say 'no' I left. I never thought I would go to church again. Then I found Oasis Rising Center and discovered that real spirituality isn't about fear or denying oneself, real spirituality is about love. Loving each other and the Divine within.